Tehran Hosts ‘Source India’

Tehran Hosts ‘Source India’

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;     Tehran is hosting an Indian exhibition called ‘Source India’ that opened at Milad Tower on Saturday and will conclude on Monday. “This is perhaps one of the largest business events happening after the very successful state visit of the President of Islamic Republic of Iran, His […]

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EMs Buoyant Over Global Recovery

EMs Buoyant Over Global Recovery

As other markets, particularly the US, become more expensive, investors will increasingly consider global opportunities, particularly in EMs, given the structural positive growth prospects and benign fundamentals Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   Emerging markets had a very strong start this year. Its assets were supported by the ongoing recovery in the […]

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Azerbaijan’s Economy Minister to Visit Iran

Azerbaijan’s Economy Minister to Visit Iran

According to Mustafayev, trade between Azerbaijan and Iran increased by 30% in 2017 Iran and Azerbaijan are working to connect their respective railroads as part of the International North-South Transport Corridor project Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   Adelegation headed by Azerbaijan’s Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev will pay a visit to […]

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Chinese Company to Supply 630 Cars for Tehran Subway

Chinese Company to Supply 630 Cars for Tehran Subway

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;     China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation Changchun Railway Company (CRRC CRC) and Tehran Wagon Company have won the tender to build and supply 630 cars for Tehran’s Subway on Wednesday. The project is worth more than €۷۸۲٫۶۶ million and will be financed by the Chinese side, according […]

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Task Force to Resolve Bank Balance Sheet Row

Task Force to Resolve Bank Balance Sheet Row

The row over how lenders should prepare their financial statements has been brewing ever since CBI sought to reform balance sheets before the implementation of the nuclear deal in January 2016 based on the International Financial Reporting Standards Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;     Aquartet of major regulatory bodies will form a […]

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How Will Trump’s Tariffs Affect Iran’s Steel Trade?

How Will Trump’s Tariffs Affect Iran’s Steel Trade?

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;     Who’s for a trade war? Apparently no one, except US President Donald Trump. His impromptu announcement last week of slapping tariffs on steel and aluminum imports set off worried and furious talks of potential retaliatory measures and market chaos. The repercussions were quickly felt. Gary Cohn, […]

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Iranian FTZs Facilitate Entry of Foreign Banks

Iranian FTZs Facilitate Entry of Foreign Banks

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;     Iran has endeavored for years to devise the right set of conditions to facilitate the entry of foreign financial institutions in its free trade zones and those efforts only intensified following the implementation of the nuclear accord that spotlighted the importance of having correspondent banking relations. […]

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