IIC to Offer Earthquake Insurance

IIC to Offer Earthquake Insurance

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Iran Insurance Company, the nation’s sole state-owned insurer, plans to offer earthquake insurance policies for residential units, an official with the company said. “To alleviate people’s concerns, independent earthquake policies aimed at covering residential units will be implemented in the first pilot phase in the three […]

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Iran Steel Industry Risks, Rewards

Iran Steel Industry Risks, Rewards

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    The Iranian steel industry has survived the 2015-16 valley of death and is now reaping the benefits of an improving global market condition. Its aggressive expansion is also moving ahead as planned, with a 55-million-ton crude steel capacity targeted for the 2025 deadline. Grave impediments, however, […]

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Breakthrough in Removing Iran-China Banking Hurdles

Breakthrough in Removing Iran-China Banking Hurdles

The reopening of bank accounts for Iranian nationals has started from a week ago and Chinese banks are unblocking these accounts upon confirming the identity of their Iranian customers Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    After weeks of speculation about the banking problems of Iranian students and businesses in China, which ranged […]

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Banks Grab Digital Transformation Awards

Banks Grab Digital Transformation Awards

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    The second iteration of the annual Digital Transformation Awards, aimed at recognizing the best companies that improved their business models by way of digital progress, on Tuesday honored a host of firms mostly related to banks. Ertebat Farda E-Commerce Company, Bank Ayandeh’s affiliate that offers banking […]

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Gov’t to Devise Spending Plan for $12 Billion Foreign Finance

Gov’t to Devise Spending Plan for $12 Billion Foreign Finance

Jahangiri ordered minister of economic affairs and finance, governor of the Central Bank of Iran and the head of Management and Planning Organization as well as his own deputy for coordination and supervision to prepare a blueprint for the use of foreign Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    First Vice President Es’haq […]

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Maskan to Tap Capital, Leasing Markets

Maskan to Tap Capital, Leasing Markets

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Employing the potentials of the capital market and leasing facilities will be two of the new approaches of Bank Maskan, the agent bank of the housing sector, in the next fiscal year (starting March 21) to finance the ailing sector as it struggles to come out […]

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Banking Cooperation Talks With Swiss Envoy

Banking Cooperation Talks With Swiss Envoy

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; The governor of the Central Bank of Iran on Monday met with the ambassador of Switzerland in Tehran to discuss improvements in the banking system and the possibility of Iranian lenders opening branches in the Alpine country. “Iranian banks are now operating within the framework of […]

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Monetary, Capital Markets Strive for Transparency

Monetary, Capital Markets Strive for Transparency

The CBI chief has called for a resolution to the conflict of interest between accounting and auditing by devising robust accounting rules, regulating the works of auditors and auditing the public sector Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    As the 50th anniversary of Iran’s capital market was being celebrated with much fanfare […]

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A Prelude to Corporate Transparency

A Prelude to Corporate Transparency

As of January 6 the Securities and Exchange Organization has abolished earning per share forecasts with the aim of pushing investors toward becoming more analysis-oriented using descriptive corporate reports Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Following the recent abolition of earning per share forecasts, publicly traded companies have been publishing their descriptive […]

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Banking Industry Welcomes CBI Transaction Encryption Initiative

Banking Industry Welcomes CBI Transaction Encryption Initiative

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Two days after the Central Bank of Iran published a directive that makes end-to-end encryption mandatory for card not present transactions, banking industry players have apparently welcomed it as a positive move. On Friday, the regulator notified the banking system that starting from Feb. 4, transactions […]

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