Iran Eying Joint Bank to Promote Latin America Ties

Iran Eying Joint Bank to Promote Latin America Ties

The Iran-Venezuela Bi-National Bank is to be repurposed to serve as a joint bank serving trade and transactions between Iran and Latin America EDBI is currently in negotiations with the Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank AG and the Hungarian Export-Import Bank for refinance agreements Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Iran intends to establish a […]

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TSE Seen as World’s Third Fastest-Growing Bourse

TSE Seen as World’s Third Fastest-Growing Bourse

Tehran Stock Exchange’s main index TEDPIX rose from 77,230 to 98,221 from March 20, 2017, to Jan. 20 to record a 27.1% growth TEDPIX gained in 70% of its 209 trading days under review, which puts the index over all other global exchanges in terms of gaining trade days Reported by HPMM Group according to […]

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Does Economic Growth in Iran Increase Income Inequality?

Does Economic Growth in Iran Increase Income Inequality?

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Inclusive growth is what international organizations recommend these days, and it’s hard to argue otherwise. Economic growth is better when rich and poor benefit equally. Better still, is pro-poor growth, the type that lifts poor people’s incomes more than the rest. The economic growth of 2016, […]

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New Income Tax Rates Determined

New Income Tax Rates Determined

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    As approved by the Iranian Parliament on Sunday, those with an annual income of less than 276 million rials ($5,872) will be exempt from paying income tax in the next Iranian year (March 2018-19). The next year’s income tax model will be a progressive one, meaning […]

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EU Mulls Strategy to Shield Firms Against US Threats

EU Mulls Strategy to Shield Firms Against US Threats

The EU business sector is anxious that American sanctions would affect European companies that operate in Iran and have commercial activities in the US Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Europe has to decide what to do in case the US makes good on its threat to withdraw from the Iran nuclear […]

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CBI: Non-Oil Sector to Expand by March 2018

CBI: Non-Oil Sector to Expand by March 2018

According to the bank in the first half of the current year to Sept. 22, economic growth has been 4.5%, with the non-oil sector accounting for 4.1% Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    The Central Bank of Iran has projected that the country’s non-oil sector’s growth in the fiscal 2017-18 will outpace […]

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France to Finance Exports to Iran

France to Finance Exports to Iran

The plan is to offer euro-denominated export guarantees to Iranian buyers of French goods and services through entities without any US link, whether to the currency or otherwise, to avoid the extraterritorial reach of US legislation A French banking source said Italy, Germany, Austria and Belgium were also working on mechanisms that would shield their […]

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Caviar Exports to US After 25 Years

Caviar Exports to US After 25 Years

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    For the first time in 25 years, about 10 kilograms of Iranian farmed caviar worth 600 million rials ($13,000) were exported to the United States in the last fiscal year (March 2016-17), an advisor to agriculture minister said. Abbas Rajaei, who is also the CEO of […]

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Consolidation in Iran Stock Brokerage Industry

Consolidation in Iran Stock Brokerage Industry

Most stock brokerage companies have started to target higher-value clients, cutting off the retail business and generally, the industry has become high on cost and low on returns Diversification and expansion of Iran’s capital market would create more low-yield businesses for brokers that only push firms for the sake of scaling Reported by HPMM Group […]

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Private Sector Proposes Rainy Day Fund

Private Sector Proposes Rainy Day Fund

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Iran’s private sector has called on the government and lawmakers to create a fund that would sustain businesses in times of hardship. The proposal was put forward by Gholamhossein Shafei, the head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, on Tuesday in the latest […]

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