Monetary Agreements With 10 Countries

Monetary Agreements With 10 Countries

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Iran has signed memoranda of understanding and protocols pertaining to monetary agreements with 10 countries, the Central Bank of Iran’s head of Exports Department said. Addressing the First Conference on Financing Exports in Tehran on Sunday, Samad Karimi added that apart from finance and refinance deals, […]

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CBI Marching Toward Forex Market Stability

CBI Marching Toward Forex Market Stability

Newly-issued foreign currency bonds are meant to “manage the market” and that more bonds will be issued in the future “to move toward a formal foreign exchange market Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    With its foreign exchange package now in full swing, the Central Bank of Iran says it is aiming […]

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Iran Decision on FATF Agenda

Iran Decision on FATF Agenda

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    The Financial Action Task Force–the global anti-money laundering group–met in Paris, France, on Sunday for discussing issues vital to the integrity, safety and security of the global financial system. According to the group’ s website, the meetings will bring together over 700 delegates from 203 jurisdictions […]

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Tehran, Delhi Sign 15 Major Deals

Tehran, Delhi Sign 15 Major Deals

A major deal signed on Saturday was a lease agreement, based on which Iran is leasing a part of Chabahar’s multipurpose and container terminal for 18 months for the Indian side to take over operations of existing port facilities Afghanistan plans to export to India through Iran’s Chabahar Port Reported by HPMM Group according to […]

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NDFI to Get 32% of Oil, Gas Money

NDFI to Get 32% of Oil, Gas Money

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Members of parliament on Saturday approved a measure determining the share of the National Development Fund of Iran from all oil and gas export revenues in their latest open session on Saturday to decide on the articles of the fiscal 2018-19 budget law. The measure passed […]

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Gov’t Earned 150% More From Tax Than Oil Last Fiscal

Gov’t Earned 150% More From Tax Than Oil Last Fiscal

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    The government earned 150% more from tax than from oil in the last fiscal year (March 2016-17), the chairman of Iranian National Tax Administration said. Kamel Taqavi-Nejad made the statement on the sidelines of the First Global Conference on Platform for Collaboration on Tax held at […]

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India to Invest in Iran in Rupees

India to Invest in Iran in Rupees

Indian investments in rupees will get converted into Iranian rial through banking mechanism allowing investments from India, including in the Chabahar Port complex An agreement on India’s role in Phase-1 of Chabahar Port is expected to be signed on Saturday Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    India, for the first time beyond […]

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Iran Steel Industry Roadblocks Ahead

Iran Steel Industry Roadblocks Ahead

Iranian steelmakers aim to increase crude steel output capacity to 55 million tons by 2025 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; The Iranian steel industry’s path to its 2025 capacity expansion goals has proven to be a bumpy one, with new challenges surfacing every year. Domestic steelmakers aim to increase crude steel […]

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Iran-Afghanistan Economic Commission to Meet

Iran-Afghanistan Economic Commission to Meet

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    The third meeting of Iran-Afghanistan Economic Commission will be held in Tehran in March, Afghanistan’s Chamber of Commerce and Industries announced. The two sides will discuss expansion of trade and transit ties, opportunities for joint investment in different sectors, expansion of infrastructure at Chabahar Port and […]

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Telecoms Ministry Secures USSD Transactions

Telecoms Ministry Secures USSD Transactions

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said an agreement has been reached about what method should be employed to ensure bank card information safety using Unstructured Supplementary Service Data communications protocols. “Based on an agreement between the Communications Regulatory Authority and the […]

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