How Europe Could Save Iran Nuclear Agreement

How Europe Could Save Iran Nuclear Agreement

  Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; Foreign ministers from Germany, France and the UK on Monday will meet with Iranian officials to save the multilateral Iran nuclear agreement strung together by former US president, Barack Obama, and breached unilaterally by US President Donald Trump. Salvaging the agreement would be just the first step in […]

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Executive Salaries Transparent

Executive Salaries Transparent

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;The Administrative and Recruitment Organization announced on Friday that a retrospective directive has been issued to all state entities on May 8 for disclosing the full details of payments, including salaries and bonuses, made to their employees. The organization’s website is designed to collect and disseminate information on […]

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LME Keeps Status Quo on IRALCO After US Sanctions Snapback

LME Keeps Status Quo on IRALCO After US Sanctions Snapback

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  The London Metal Exchange is maintaining the status quo on its treatment of Iranian aluminum brand IRALCO after the United States said this week it will reintroduce nuclear-related sanctions on Iran, the bourse said in a notice to members on May 10. “The LME does not propose any […]

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Banking Sector to Take No Hit From US JCPOA Exit

Banking Sector to Take No Hit From US JCPOA Exit

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; Iran’s banking sector has rebounded in the absence of sanctions lifted under the 2015 nuclear deal and will continue to rebuild its foreign correspondent relations despite the recent US withdrawal from the deal, a senior banking official said. “At the time of signing JCPOA, our banking system was […]

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Iran Banks Allowed to Purchase Foreigners’ Hard Currency

Iran Banks Allowed to Purchase Foreigners’ Hard Currency

Iran’s banks have been allowed to purchase the hard currency held by foreign tourists, transit drivers, foreign diplomatic missions based in Iran and representative offices of foreign banks CBI’s permit is in line with giving banks the main “intermediary role in managing foreign exchange resources” and guiding those resources to those who need them  Reported […]

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Germany Ready to Help Firms Keep Doing Business in Iran

Germany Ready to Help Firms Keep Doing Business in Iran

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   Germany is ready to help minimize the impact on its businesses of US President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the 2015 Iran nuclear accord, German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said on Friday. “We are ready to talk to all the companies concerned about what we can […]

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Iran Banks on Transit Hub Potential for Global Engagement

Iran Banks on Transit Hub Potential for Global Engagement

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   US President Donald Trump on Tuesday pulled out from the Iran nuclear deal negotiated under his predecessor, promising to reimpose tough sanctions against Tehran and threatening other countries who may be reluctant to follow his lead. In the past, such sanctions severely hit Iran’s economic relations with global […]

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China to Be Major Beneficiary of US’ Iran Nuclear Deal Pullout

China to Be Major Beneficiary of US’ Iran Nuclear Deal Pullout

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    The decision of US President Donald Trump’s administration to unilaterally withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal is leading to speculation about how much China will be willing to stick out its neck to fill the gap amid the possible closing off of Iran’s economy to the West. The […]

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Tehran, Zagreb to Ease Banking Ties

Tehran, Zagreb to Ease Banking Ties

  Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   Croatian Minister of Economy Martina Dalic called for closer cooperation to facilitate banking ties with Iran, describing them as critical to the expansion of bilateral trade. “Banking and financial problems pose a major barrier to the promotion of economic relations and we should figure out a solution quickly,” […]

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Special Committees Reimbursing Depositors of Shadow Banks

Special Committees Reimbursing Depositors of Shadow Banks

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  Four special committees are pursuing the liquidation of the last remaining illegal credit institutions and their main task is to identify the assets of these entities for auction, a deputy Majlis speaker said. Masoud Pezeshkian also told ICANA, the parliamentary news website, that the four committees include representatives […]

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