Sanctions Unlikely to Impact Iran’s Reinsurance Deals

Sanctions Unlikely to Impact Iran’s Reinsurance Deals

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; Iran’s reinsurance deals with foreign counterparts are not in danger of being revoked when US sanctions snap back in a maximum of six months, the chief executive of Iranian Reinsurance Company said. “Not many deals were signed with foreign counterparts during the past two-and-a-half years and the number […]

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France Taps Mechanisms to Salvage Iran Business

France Taps Mechanisms to Salvage Iran Business

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; Euro-denominated financing set up by European countries to trade with Iran will not be enough to sustain economic ties with Tehran in the face of US sanctions, an adviser to the French president said on Tuesday. Following Washington’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement last week, Europe needs […]

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First Sports Economy Conference Planned

First Sports Economy Conference Planned

The conference scheduled for December 2-3 will focus on several issues, including opportunities and challenges of sports industry, sports investment and financing, economic approach to sports management, marketing and technology as well as health and medi Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  The private sector needs to play a bigger role to increase the […]

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۵ things you need to know about the new international ethics code

۵ things you need to know about the new international ethics code

The new international Code of Ethics for professional accountants that was unveiled last month has been “long in the making,” according to Kim Gibson, CPA, a member of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) and chair of the board’s Rollout and Implementation Working Group. Gibson, who is the global head of independence for […]

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Tax Overhaul Underscored

Tax Overhaul Underscored

The researchers propose the elimination of tax exemptions and recommend the collection of information on taxpayers’ bank accounts The findings of the research also show value added tax rate in Iran needs to increase from 9% to 15% and tax exemptions should decrease from 62% to 40%  Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;    […]

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Doha Hosts 6th Meeting of Iran-Qatar Economic Commission

Doha Hosts 6th Meeting of Iran-Qatar Economic Commission

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; The first day of the sixth meeting of Iran-Qatar Economic Commission was held on Sunday in Doha where economic and business experts from the two countries surveyed issues of mutual interest. The second and final day of the event hosting the two countries’ officials at the ministerial level […]

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Most Iranian State Entities Barred From Receiving Bank Interests

Most Iranian State Entities Barred From Receiving Bank Interests

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  The Central Bank of Iran has notified rules concerning interest paid to state bodies on their bank deposits. According to the IBENA report on Sunday, most state entities cannot receive any interest on their bank accounts, including current account, short-term and long-term accounts held by government-run or private banks. […]

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Travel Currency Rules Updated

Travel Currency Rules Updated

Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  The Central Bank of Iran has updated rules concerning the forex ceiling for travelers when entering or exiting the country. According to a directive published on CBI’s website, travelers who leave the country by air can carry €۵,۰۰۰ or its equivalent in other currencies. The statement adds that passengers […]

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Call for Closer Tehran-Sofia Banking Relations

Call for Closer Tehran-Sofia Banking Relations

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   Minister of Economic and Finance Affairs Masoud Karbasian called for increasing banking cooperation with Bulgaria, proposing that the EU member state open bank branches in Iran for facilitating bilateral trade. “Bulgaria can have direct banking relations with Iran by establishing bank branches,” Karbasian said in a meeting with […]

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China Sends New Freight Train Down to Iran

China Sends New Freight Train Down to Iran

The Chinese train, carrying 1,150 ton of sunflower seeds, will travel 8,352 kilometers through Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, arriving in Tehran in 15 days after it set off from Bayannur on Thursday  Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   Afreight train service from Bayannur city in north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to Tehran, Iran’s capital, […]

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