US Sanctions May Foster Alternative Trade Routes

US Sanctions May Foster Alternative Trade Routes

  The combination of American trade sanctions on Iran and European nations seeking to disregard those sanctions places higher emphasis on improving navigation between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea The alternative maritime route crosses the Caspian Sea into a series of navigation locks to the town of Volgograd and to the Sea of […]

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No to US Policing World economy

No to US Policing World economy

France wants the EU to toughen its stance in protecting European companies against any US sanctions  Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ; France is looking to see if the European Union could compensate European companies that might be facing sanctions by the United States for doing business with Iran, French Finance Minister Bruno Le […]

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With the US Out, How Can Iran Benefit From JCPOA?

With the US Out, How Can Iran Benefit From JCPOA?

   Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  In Iran, the only surprise regarding US President Donald Trump’s May 8 announcement to leave the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was that it was four days early. The decision was anticipated and most Iranians believed that the deal was not doing much anyway, reads an article […]

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Iranian Merchants’ Forex Purchase Orders Double

Iranian Merchants’ Forex Purchase Orders Double

Besides the increase in purchase orders, the government has also paid special attention to essential goods for public consumption Statistics indicate the success of the government’s forex strategy after the US withdrawal from Iran’s nuclear deal  Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  Purchase orders by merchants from the start of the current Iranian year […]

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Iranian Billet Buyers Rush to Book Before US Sanctions Take Hold

Iranian Billet Buyers Rush to Book Before US Sanctions Take Hold

Buying activity in the Iranian export market for steel billet was lively in the week ended May 16 with customers rushing to place new orders for July-shipment material, especially those in the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council countries. They feared that purchases with later delivery dates might be hindered by the threatened reimposition of sanctions against […]

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Iran, EEU Sign Trade Tariff Deal

Iran, EEU Sign Trade Tariff Deal

  The deal lowers or abolishes customs duties, setting off a three-year process for a permanent trade agreement The biggest asset of the agreement for the union is access to the growing Iranian market with more predictable “rules of the game” in place Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;   The five-nation Eurasian Economic […]

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EU Moves to Block US Sanctions Against Iran

EU Moves to Block US Sanctions Against Iran

The European Commission said in a statement it had launched the formal process to activate the Blocking Statute by updating the list of US sanctions on Iran falling within its scope The Blocking Statute forbids EU companies from complying with the extraterritorial effects of US sanctions, allows companies to recover damages arising from such sanctions […]

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EU Floats 9-Point Plan to Save Iran Nuclear Deal

EU Floats 9-Point Plan to Save Iran Nuclear Deal

  Mogherini said EU experts are aiming to come up with concrete proposals in the coming weeks on nine key issues, including ensuring Iran could sell its oil and gas products and have access to international finance German exports to Iran totaled nearly €۳ billion in 2017, while French exports soared from €۵۶۲ million in […]

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Iraqi Kurds Look to Open New Chapter With Iran

Iraqi Kurds Look to Open New Chapter With Iran

 Reported by HPMM Group according to FINANCIAL TRIBUNE ;  Iraqi Kurds are opening a new chapter in their relations with Iran seven months after a foiled independence referendum in the Kurdish region. The Kurdistan Regional Government hosted an Iranian government trade delegation in Erbil during the fourth economic conference between the two parties on May 2-3 to […]

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Iran Set to Create Bank for European Transactions

Iran Set to Create Bank for European Transactions

The creation of such a bank would allow Europeans to continue trading with Iran, as well as with Russia, which is also facing US sanctions The EU is also considering how to protect its companies in Iran as well as retaliatory measures in the wake of the US pullout from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action  Reported by HPMM Group according to […]

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