VW rejects Trump envoy’s take on Iran pullout

VW rejects Trump envoy’s take on Iran pullout

Reported by HPMM Group according to TEHRAN TIMES  ;    Carmaker Volkswagen AG rejected on Thursday a report suggesting it had decided against doing business in Iran after coming under pressure from Donald Trump’s ambassador to Germany, saying its position on the country had not changed. U.S. sanctions against Iran, introduced by President Trump after his decision to […]

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Iran is keeping its nuclear commitments — despite Trump

Iran is keeping its nuclear commitments — despite Trump

Reported by HPMM Group according to MEHR NEWS ;  Iranian President in an article rejected US claims of supporting Iranian people, and said the world is against US unilateralism. ‘It has now become crystal clear that most countries in the world oppose US unilateralism and abhor being bullied. Even if in the short term we face difficulties in […]

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US warns countries engaging in economic activities with Iran after November 4

US warns countries engaging in economic activities with Iran after November 4

In the absence of any waiver or concession from the Trump Administration, it could have major implications for India, which is one of the biggest importers of Iranian oil. Reported by HPMM Group according to MONEYCONTROL.COM   ;     The United States has warned of having a “fundamentally different set of rules” to deal with the countries continuing to […]

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Iran Says Two US Departments Manipulating Its Currency Market

Iran Says Two US Departments Manipulating Its Currency Market

A report by the Iranian government says the US state and treasury departments, along with the country’s intelligence bodies, have started concerted efforts to manipulate Iran’s currency market. Reported by HPMM Group according to IRAN FRONT PAGE   ;    The report by the Security Department of Iran’s Ministry of Commerce says the US governmental organizations have advanced their […]

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EU seeks to bypass US sanctions on Iran with trade finance tool

EU seeks to bypass US sanctions on Iran with trade finance tool

Reported by HPMM Group according to Real Iran  ;   Europe’s biggest economic powers are planning to create a “special purpose” financial company to thwart U.S. President Donald Trump’s sanctions and help Iran to continue to sell oil in the EU. The move, by France, Germany and Britain, and supported by the EU, is likely to enrage Trump, who in […]

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Austrian envoy hails Iran’s resistance economy initiative

Austrian envoy hails Iran’s resistance economy initiative

 Reported by HPMM Group according to TEHRAN TIMES  ;  Austrian Ambassador to Tehran Stefan Scholz has welcomed the resistance economy initiative introduced by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. In an interview with IRNA published on Saturday, Scholz said, “We are proud to be a partner in the transformation of Iran’s economy and I must say […]

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Top U.S. banks won’t commit to ending Iranian financial access

Top U.S. banks won’t commit to ending Iranian financial access

 Reported by HPMM Group according to TEHRAN TIMES  ; Two top American financial institutions would not commit to cutting Iranian access to international financial markets, a cornerstone of the Trump administration’s new sanctions on Iran, adding fuel to concerns among U.S. officials about efforts by European countries and Iran’s regional allies to skirt the new American sanctions ahead […]

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Siemens Turns its Back on Iran, Tehran’s Challenge Goes to The Hague

Siemens Turns its Back on Iran, Tehran’s Challenge Goes to The Hague

Reported by HPMM Group according to ASHARQ AL-AWSAT  ;  Iran’s legal challenge against renewed sanctions by the United States goes before the UN’s top court Monday, as Tehran seeks to avert painful punitive measures that could hurt its still fragile economy, AFP reported on Friday. Tehran filed a suit against US President Donald Trump’s decision to reimpose […]

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Defending Iran deal, Germany looks to bypass U.S. payment channels

Defending Iran deal, Germany looks to bypass U.S. payment channels

Europe should look to bypass U.S. payment systems by creating its own financial channels, a European monetary fund and international bank transfer system like SWIFT, Germany’s foreign minister has said. Reported by HPMM Group according to TEHRAN TIMES  ;   Writing in the German Handelsblatt newspaper, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called for the setting up of independent payment channels, […]

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ICJ to hear Iran’s challenge against US sanctions on Monday

ICJ to hear Iran’s challenge against US sanctions on Monday

Iran’s legal challenge against renewed sanctions by the United States goes before the UN’s top court Monday. Tehran filed a suit against US President Donald Trump’s decision to reimpose economic sanctions at the Hague-based International Court of Justice last month, AFP reported. Reported by HPMM Group according to IRNA; After unilaterally pulling out of a historic hard-won […]

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